The Power of a Portfolio Career

Today, I want to continue our theme of  self-expression, and the exhilarating pursuit of purpose. You see, like many of you, I've walked the tightrope between my day job and my entrepreneurial aspirations, navigating the delicate balance between security and self-fulfilment.


Let me share a little secret with you – I absolutely love my day job and it fulfils far more than the ‘security’ need in my life.  I mean, I can't imagine my life without it. Some recent events have really got me thinking how easily we can take our employers for granted , something which we are all guilty of: What I love, is the challenges, the pace of change, my amazing team who astound me with their knowledge and skills, the camaraderie, the flexibility, our fab new office…..(thank you Kantar!) it's an absolutely huge part of who I am.

But deep down, there's a fire burning within me, a hunger for something more, something uniquely mine. And that's where my entrepreneurial spirit comes into play.


Now, I'll admit, I've had my fair share of doubts and insecurities along the way. The fear of what others might think, the worry that they'll question my commitment to my day job – it's all too real, and I still have to quieten the inner critic on that topic. But here's the thing – my side hustle isn't just a fleeting distraction; it's a testament to my passion, my drive, and my belief in myself.


You see, for me, my side hustle isn't just about making a quick buck or padding out my resume; it's about carving out a space in this world that's uniquely mine. It's about building something from the ground up, something that reflects my values, my vision, and my voice. And in doing so, I've found a greater sense of purpose, a sense of fulfilment that goes beyond the confines of a 9-to-5.


More than that, it helps me build a growth mindset. it's a learning laboratory where I can experiment, innovate, and evolve. Every challenge is a chance to expand my knowledge and expertise. By diversifying your professional pursuits, you're not just flexing your muscles; you're flexing your neuro pathways. It's like cross-training for your mind, keeping it agile, adaptable, and primed for peak performance. Far from detracting from my day job, my side hustle is my  secret weapon. It brings fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to the table, making me a more valuable asset to my organisation (in my opinion!)

 And let’s stop calling it my "side hustle"  It is often met with scepticism and makes it sound as if it really isn’t that important. We're told to stay in our lanes, to stick to the status quo, to play it safe. But where's the fun in that? Where's the joy in stifling our creativity, our ambition, our dreams? So, from now on, I’m going to start saying I have a portfolio career – I’m a consultant and a coach.

“But Jo,” I hear you say, “This sounds great, but what if I fail? Plus I really don’t have anything I could do as a secondary ‘job and where do you find the time?”

To that, I'd say, 'We regret what we did when we were younger' (for me too much drinking and falling over), but as we get older, we only regret what we didn’t do.

We learn MOST when we fail. We also forget the support we have around us, there are plenty of people who don’t want us to fail and who will help us. So what, if it doesn’t work out! You gave it a go! Remember, failure is not the opposite of success; it's a stepping stone to success. Each setback is an opportunity to learn, grow, and pivot towards something even better.

 And as for not having a clear idea of what your secondary job could be, that's okay! The beauty of exploring a portfolio career is that you have the freedom to experiment, try new things, and discover your passions along the way. Plus, there really are lots of opportunities for you to choose from. Here’s just a few of them:

  •  Volunteer work with a charity

  • Become a Non Executive Director (NED) using your talents in a different type of business

  • Turn your creative passion into a business on etsy

  • Rent out your room or annexe on Air BnB

  • Become a coach or an online tutor in a subject you love

  • Be a judge for an award in your industry


 The time question is interesting! Whilst I put ‘going to the gym’ on my to do list every day - I never go. I’m not motivated to do it. My husband on the other hand, he goes EVERY day. He finds a way to fit it in because he LOVES it.

I’m the same with my coaching. I find a way. I do my best work at 6.30am on a Saturday and Sunday morning. The house is quiet and I can crack on with what I need to do. It’s better for you to get up at the same time every day, so I choose not to have a lie in on a weekend and stick to my routine. Plus, I plan my coaching sessions early evening too as an extension to my day.

So, what’s all this got to do with self-confidence? A portfolio career provides opportunities for personal growth, skill development, and success outside of your primary job. Taking on these new challenges, overcoming obstacles, and achieving milestones can reinforce a sense of competence and self-belief,  ultimately leading to increased confidence in your own abilities and potential.

 So challenge yourself to give it a go.  Let's rewrite the narrative, let's reclaim the term "portfolio career" for what it truly is – a celebration of diversity, of passion, of courage. Because at the end of the day, it's not about what others think of us; it's about how we see ourselves, how we define success, and how we express our true selves to the world.



The Power of ‘No’


Speak Your Truth: Embracing Confidence and Self-Expression