Cracking the CEO Gender Code: What Women Leaders Need to Know

Happy International Women’s Day! Today, let's chat about some intriguing findings from a recent study by Russell Reynolds Associates. They dug into the CEO realm and uncovered some interesting tidbits about why we’re not seeing as many female CEOs as we'd hope. 

So, what did the study reveal? Here’s the lowdown: 

Gender Parity at CEO Level

Surprise, surprise! Despite all the chatter and awareness, only a mere 15% of new CEOs appointed globally in 2023 were women. It's like trying to find a unicorn in a field of donkeys!

 Women Underestimate Their Potential:

Ladies, listen up! It turns out we’re a tad too humble for our own good. We tend to downplay our skills compared to the guys, which makes us hesitant to aim for those top spots. We are much more likely to think we can’t do it. We are much more likely to believe we need to tick EVERY box before we apply for a new role too. But, I promise you, you’ve got more talent than you give yourself credit for!

 Loyalty vs. Career Moves

Women leaders are often more loyal than a golden retriever with a juicy bone. They stick to their organisations like glue, even if it means passing up on career opportunities. Is our loyalty mis-placed? Is it in fact holding us back? Loyalty after all is a two-way street, right? If your workplace isn't treating you like the queen you are, maybe it's time to spread your wings and fly to greener pastures!

 Deep Ties to the Ecosystem

Women leaders are like the guardians of company culture, nurturing it with care. They value a supportive environment over flashy perks and that’s how businesses can keep us loyal.  Meanwhile, the men are eyeing that next pay raise like it's the be all and end all, with much less concern for their ecosystem. Can we re-create that supportive environment elsewhere? Can we build our network outside of our organisations to make it easier to leave and take on the next role, so we aren’t starting from scratch each time we make a leap?

 Final Thoughts

Now, speaking from personal experience, having coached many women, let me tell you, ladies, you are more kick-ass than a boot camp instructor on a Monday morning! You've got skills, you've got charm, and you're ready to conquer the world! I just wish you believe it!  If you don’t come see me for some hypnosis!

So, here’s my advice, today of all days, take a moment to recognise your greatness. Seek feedback from others, I think it might surprise you, believe in your abilities, and don't let fear hold you back! If the opportunity knocks, kick that door wide open and strut into your next adventure like the boss babe you are!


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